Active COVID-19 cases in the
Riverside Unified School District


Each day's data is a summary of the contents of RUSD's COVID-19 Public Dashboard on that day. RUSD's dashboard is updated throughout the day. This page reflects the contents of the dashboard at about 8pm every night. New data is posted here by 9pm every night. If any red markers are shown, they indicate days when no data was collected. The project currently shows data for the 2023-2024 school year; historical data for the 2022-2023 and 2021-2022 school years are available in the "data" folders in the project's GitHub repository.

RUSD provides numbers of active cases during a "14-day rolling window," so each individual case might be included in up to 14 consecutive days' data. School cases include both students and staff at schools. Staff in RUSD units not directly associated with a school are included in the "Non-school cases."

For a deeper dive into COVID-19 case numbers at RUSD and the district's response, please check out Justin Beck's public records requests on Muckrock.

This site is maintained by William Grover, Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of California, Riverside. The Python code for scraping numbers from the RUSD dashboard and generating the plots is available in this GitHub repository.